I wonder if when He was young, He dreamed of things to come. I wonder if when He played, He pondered His fate, no longer delayed I wonder if when in school, He told others, He made all the rules. I wonder if when rabbis read, He mouthed the words the prophets said. I wonder […]
Generosity & Community
Generosity is defined as: gen·er·os·i·ty/ˌjenəˈräsitē/ Noun: The quality of being kind and generous. The quality or fact of being plentiful or large. As we reflect on generosity and community this week, we often talk about giving – mostly of our money. We can find references all throughout the Bible encouraging us to give of our […]
God’s Ant Farm
From Evernote: God’s Ant Farm So we were talking today about faith and healing, and if it’s possible to obtain the gift of healing or grow that gift. How much of it is faith and how much of it is a gift; do both parties (giving and receiving) have to have enough faith for […]
Food for Thougth
If corporations are people, then wouldn’t selling corporations be a form of slavery?