I wonder if when He was young, He dreamed of things to come. I wonder if when He played, He pondered His fate, no longer delayed I wonder if when in school, He told others, He made all the rules. I wonder if when rabbis read, He mouthed the words the prophets said. I wonder […]
Do It Better In 2016
My family motto for 2015 was “A year of failure.” For those that missed the post it wasn’t claiming failure, rather, giving the permission to ourselves to try new things and say it’s okay if we fail. I thought it was clever, but turned out to be a very difficult concept to explain to the […]
I [don’t] deserve that
I try and limit my time on Facebook these days and put more effort into face-to-face time with those around me. This week I’m taking a little vacation in Montana and have found myself browsing facebook in the downtime. There’s a bit of a shock factor in the postings I read. I guess over the […]
Angry, Angry Me.
Last night we had a couple encouraging us and saying how naturally warm and welcoming we are to the people around us. I was taken back in my mind to a moment in life where I would have never received such a compliment. One particular day stuck out — a teeth cleaning day at the […]
Bad Apple Money
Years ago, I had the privilege of working with some pretty wealthy people…and some that pretended to be wealthy. While I never knew for sure what their total net worth was, I began to be able to pick out the ones that were truly wealthy and those not so much. I call it my Bad […]
I’m a big fat liar
So it turns out I have a problem with the truth. I was confronted this past week by someone I respect very much and have newfound appreciation. He said, “…I believe you tend to convolute the truth so you feel okay about what you are doing.” Those are tough words to swallow. Whether or not […]
2015…a year of failure
2014 is come and gone. For me and my poor memory, it’s all but a distant past. Not really, but it sounds like the start to a good post. 2014 was a year of a lot of mixed emotions. In terms of business, it was a very frustrating year — I poorly negotiated some contracts, […]