Do you have lots of friends?

Every so often, someone says something to me that demands my contemplation. Sometimes it’s the most innocent of questions in passing conversation and sometimes it’s a direct criticism. Most of the time these quips are simply seen as growing opportunities. Then there are those remarks that nag at you — Jonathan Haidt’s “elephant”. They stir […]

The U.S. is running out of room!

Really?  I was talking to some friends this morning who has a son that might consider going to India. Which got us talking about clean water issues, population, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I knew India has a massive population, but for some reason hearing it today in light of all the recent […]

I [don’t] deserve that

I try and limit my time on Facebook these days and put more effort into face-to-face time with those around me. This week I’m taking a little vacation in Montana and have found myself browsing facebook in the downtime. There’s a bit of a shock factor in the postings I read. I guess over the […]